
Talk to us

We want to hear from you!

Address:  45 Veronica Ave, Somerset, New Jersey 08873

Mon – Thu 8.30AM to 5.30PM EST
Fri – 8.00AM to 4.00PM EST
Sat – Sun Closed

E-mail:  [email protected]

For product registrations, parts requests and any product related queries, please contact the respective brands by visiting their websites. For any other questions or feedback, feel free to use the form on your right.

The DOM Family
Dream On Me
Sweetpea Logo
Hannah & Sophia
Slumber Baby

For all trade enquiries regarding retailing our products for In-Store and E-Commerce, please email us your detailed information to [email protected] and we will get back to you.

* All fields are required

Name *

Email *

Confirm Email *

Subject *

Message *
